in early May we logged our Kirby family vacation 2015
which, early May has won us all over.
i vote for that time of year at the beach being a great idea.
in my youth, i never thought that my kids would be the ones on the beach completely covered from head to toe, wearing those swim-shirts and with sunscreen reapplication every 30 minutes...
i have pale-skinned offspring.
we started off the week with a birthday celebration for Beau (5...5!!!) and Josh (30+...)
a handsome pair of guys, huh?
Beau racked up on some pretty awesome crime-fighting gear...
only to be worn by the toughest (foot-poppin?) boys around
the week was spent waking up slowly
ha! just kidding.
that's funny.
we had 5 kids 5-years and under... ain't nothing slow about the morning.
anyway, we enjoyed mornings together in the condo
and then we'd all make our way down to the beach
trading off as babies/toddlers took naps
we ate all, but 2, of our meals in the condo
and spent the majority of our time in pajamas or swimsuits
and cowboy hat...obviously
aside from the hour and a half process of getting ready and rounding up little bodies to go down to the beach, we had a wonderful week in the sun!
it was really nice to have a whole week with the sibs and nephews
and watch the boys enjoy being together
that went well.
let's try it again with an infant
and we obviously spent a lot of time being entertained by the ridiculousness that is two 2-year olds
by the names of Luke and Judson
seriously, i can not get enough of these two together
i've said it once, i've said it twice, and i'll say it again.
my very favorite part of any vacation is having GT with us all day, every day.
no, seriously. Judson loved it
he also loved the discovery of burying his dad in the sand and jumping on him
and GT loved his picture being taken on the hourly...or second-ly (word? yes)
having all of the guys around was pretty great
the little dudes sure loved it
and i'm pretty sure the big guys were ok with their days off of work
body surfing and what-not.
One morning GT, my dad and I left at sunrise to go fishing
and got a workout instead
seriously, those fish wore me out
luckily, my dad and GT were able to reel them in
unfortunately, we weren't able to keep them.
but they sure were beautiful and we had a blast being out on the water
this was our first vacation with Little Buddy, Jake and Jamies sweet little baby they are fostering.
Not sure how long that he'll be in their family, but we sure do adore him
he's the sweetest little baby
spending a good solid week with this crew did my heart some kinda good
and Judson and Townes loved being with their Uncle Jake and Aunt Jamie
Mothers Day fell on the Sunday we were at the beach, but that didn't stop GT from bringing me a cookie cake.
that man.
even if they did have to squeeze the "Kate" on there...ha!
the three mothers spent an afternoon getting pedicures
sans children.
our last night we went out to eat and then for ice cream
which was actually really fun
i tend to be the stay-at-the-house kinda gal and don't prefer going out to eat with all the boys, but we had a really great time and the ice cream was delicious.
on the other night that we went out,
Townes and I wore the same shirts that Judson and I wore when we went to the beach when he was the same age as Townes.
i only get to match the boys for so long before it gets weird.
i think i spent the whole week trying to get a picture of the boys together, both looking at the camera and looking somewhat pleasant
i was unsuccessful
but, they both seemed to have a great time
and Judson actually is still talking about the beach, a whole month later.
which is kind of a long time with a 2-year old
Townes will never have a clue, but we sure loved watching him play in the water...he loved it!
overall, it was a perfect week.
even if weren't at the beach, it was so refreshing to spend an entire week with my family with no real agenda but to relax and be with one another.
i am particularly fond of the nights we hot-tubbed it up after the boys went to bed.
and the chats on the balcony and beach with my sibs.
worth the whole trip.
i love this crew of mine
(josh had already left...but i love him, too)