Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Calling all Betty Crockers and Cow Hands!

All you bakers...help me!

Have you ever used Splenda to bake with??? I'm beginning to think it is the culprit in my shortbread textured cookies. I made another fateful attempt at snickerdoodles last night, only to get the same result...snickerbiscuits. The good thing is, we like them. Bad thing is, that wasn't my goal.

We're having a potluck at work today and I put my name and snickerdoodles on that line to bring today. Why? you may ask. I have no idea. After starting the baking process around 1015 last night, I finished around 1100 with more shortbread cookies. And guess what? That's what I'm taking to the potluck. Oh well, at least their tasty and no one there will ever know that they aren't supposed to be called(as i put a label on my container) Snickerdoodle Shortbread Cookies.

Now, for all the Wranglers out there.

My husband wants this.

Yes, he wants this. I'm all for cowboy wear, but really??? This is how our conversation went.
Grant-"Look at this sweet belt"
Kate-"Oh honey"
Grant-"It's in"
Kate-"With who?"
Grant-"you just don't know", "that's cool"
"All my western belt wearin' buddies wear hair on hide"
The end.
Happy Tuesday


Lauren said...

From an expert, that belt is not IN. Show Grant that statement.

I'm not a baker or even a cook (I can barely work something in the microwave) but I AM a firm believer in cooking with the real stuff.

Laura said...

Grant, I'm your friend this belt can't happen. However travel slides are negotiable.

Kate said...

Thanks XLegit for your contribution. I needed back-up.