Sunday, September 5, 2010


Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
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I don't know who this child is and I don't know her story, but I am pretty sure that her parents never expected their child to be battling cancer.

Just one month of working with children who have cancer. That's the experience I have. I will tell you one thing, I have never felt more weak than when I am next to a kid who is in this battle. 

September was declared the month dedicated to making aware these children and their disease. I really don't know what to do with this to be honest. What I do know is that these kids need to be treated and seen like every other kid and they want to be normal. I personally have never been more aware of my own blessings of health, my own weaknesses, and blindness to others sufferings. 


having knowledge; conscious; cognizant
informed; alert; knowledgeable; sophisticated

This definition does not call us into action, but only suggest we become knowledgeable. Therefore this month of awareness calls us to become conscious of those living around us who are in this fight against childhood cancer.
In all fairness, I must warn you. Awareness can stir things up, so be careful.

I pledge to be more aware,

Here's the link to the local chapter of an awesome support organization for families of those who have cancer or have battled cancer.

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