Happy weekend everyone
And happy 2nd day of Fall
I just wish that Fall would start acting it's age and get it right
I'm still sweating when I go outside
Regardless, I am loving some things on this wonderful hi-fivin' Friday:
a weekend at home (aaahhhh)
my husband cleaning up dog diarrhea when I'm gagging
friends who are exploring and sharing like this so I can relive Florence vicariously through her
being able to Skype and talk to Lemmons for free, who is mentioned above and in Italy
getting to see my in-lawed parentals this weekend and watch Gare Bear play some fooseball
a clean house...we're getting there
not being late for work...gotta go!
happy weeksend folks,
Love your lists.
Love your life.
Love you.
wud up sister...its jake...we're getting skype up and running so that you can see your beau-dacious nephew more often...long distance high-five!
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