Tuesday, February 15, 2011

weekend of Love recap

You know how some people say "the first year of my marriage was sooooo hard" or
"that was the best year of our marriage, we had a blast"?
We spent this past weekend listening to couples share their testimony and stories from their years of marriage. Many shared their stories of fights and many of their bliss.
We, GT & I, are still trying to figure out what kind of 1st year we are gonna have.
j/k, I joke.
but, seriously.
i'm kidding.

Anywhooo, we had an awesome weekend at the WFR Marriage Retreat, along with 40 other couples.
Not only did our marriage receive a boost, but we were able to get to know couples at WFR that we'll be spending time with for...well, ever. It really is very encouraging to hear "experienced" couples share their struggles and helpful tips. Our first year so far has been wonderful but we realize that we are far from being exempt from Satans' attacks on marriages. This weekend we learned ways to help us keep our guard up against that stupid devil.

We also had a lot of fun.
We played games for 4 hours,  way too late for this lady, one night and my face hurt from laughing.

real old man?
or woman in an old mans mask hitting on Pauls wife and making Paul nervous?

the group

the wifeys

the newest newlyweds...awwww

our table at dinner one night

The "real" Val Day, yesterday, was just as wonderful.
I have no real stance on the day. I'm neither the girl who says "valentines day is a forced love day, i will not celebrate my love because someone told me to" or the girl who says "i want flowers and chocolate, i deserve it" and cries when she gets neither.
It's a nice day. Gifts are always welcome and I'm happy to show my love, forced or not.

We took my cousin, Bella, to her horse-riding lesson at our friends, Tony and Kims.
Then we went to Cheniere Shack, my fave eatery.
Both of these are my favorite.
Neither of these are fancy.
Both of these welcome, if not require, jeans and boots.
Neither of these require makeup.
the end.

Bella in her lesson from Jossie. She's 8 and is awesome.
We talked about Justin Bieber...alot.

Hope your Valentines day was perfect, according to your kinda perfect.


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