GT has been mine and mine only for 3 years today.
driving home the other evening, we had a nice chat about how good it is to be in this thing called marriage, together.
We both agreed that we're getting better at it and it is equally getting better for us.
i knew that I loved him when we said our vows.
i knew that i respected him
i knew that i was crazy about him
i still feel the same way
but, i appreciate him immensely more today
i understand him more
i seek him more
i delight in his company more
he fills my heart daily
he completes me (with a side of cheese, please)
no doubt.
july 2009
july 3 2010
june 2013
3 years doesn't sound like a long time
3 moves and 1 kid later we have a lot more tread on our tires than when we began
we have yet to learn lessons, cry tears, celebrate joys, navigate rough waters and share more dreams
but i know for certain, there is no one else i'd rather stand by through it all
mayish 2010
Monday morning, around 4 am, GT crawled into bed after spending the night with my mamaw in the ER (she is fine...don't worry!).
i told him how thankful i was for his loving me and taking care of my family
Without asking or even saying anything, he had left the house to go take care of her at midnight.
he said that it is just part of being family.
he told me that he loved me and wished he could show me how much
i replied, "you just did".
love made flesh in serving those i love
over the years-
we show our love in different ways
we learn to say things in a different tone
we grow in areas we never knew needed watering
i know the road won't always be smooth
i know the journey will lead us uphill and down again
i know that it won't always be this sweet
but, we are preparing our hearts for whatever life brings
we praise God for these times of His richest blessings
cheers to 3 purty dog-on good years!
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